
A class representing package.json schema. Custom fields can be added as regular map entries.


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abstract val author: Property<Person>
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abstract val bin: Property<JsonObject<String>>
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abstract val browser: Property<String>
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abstract val bugs: Property<Bugs>
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abstract val bundledDependencies: SetProperty<String>

bundledDependencies Top priority if set, disregards all the other configurations

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abstract val config: Property<GenericJsonObject>
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abstract val contributors: SetProperty<Person>
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abstract val cpu: ListProperty<String>
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abstract val dependencies: Property<Dependencies>
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abstract val description: Property<String>
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abstract val devDependencies: Property<Dependencies>
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abstract val directories: Property<Directories>
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abstract val engines: Property<JsonObject<String>>
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abstract val files: SetProperty<String>
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abstract val homepage: Property<String>
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abstract val keywords: SetProperty<String>
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abstract val license: Property<String>
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abstract val main: Property<String>
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abstract val man: Property<JsonObject<String>>
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abstract val name: Property<String>
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abstract val optionalDependencies: Property<Dependencies>
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abstract val os: ListProperty<String>
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abstract val peerDependencies: Property<Dependencies>
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abstract val private: Property<Boolean>
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abstract val publishConfig: Property<PublishConfig>
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abstract val repository: Property<Repository>
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abstract val scripts: Property<JsonObject<String>>
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abstract val types: Property<String>
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abstract val version: Property<String>


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fun author(action: Action<Person>)

Override and configure the author field

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fun bin(action: Action<JsonObject<String>>)

Override and configure the bin field

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fun bugs(action: Action<Bugs>)

Override and configure the bugs field

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infix fun GenericJsonObject.() -> Unit)
infix fun Action<GenericJsonObject>)

Set a custom object value for this JsonObject

infix fun Any)

Set a custom value for this JsonObject

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fun config(action: Action<GenericJsonObject>)

Override and configure the config field

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fun dependencies(action: Action<Dependencies>)

Override and configure the dependencies field

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fun devDependencies(action: Action<Dependencies>)

Override and configure the devDependencies field

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fun directories(action: Action<Directories>)

Override and configure the directories field

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fun engines(action: Action<JsonObject<String>>)

Override and configure the engines field

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open override fun finalise(): MutableMap<String, Any>

Resolves the underlying json value to a MutableMap instance, recursively merging known and custom properties and resolving all Provider values

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Build a custom object value

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fun man(action: Action<JsonObject<String>>)

Override and configure the man field

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fun optionalDependencies(action: Action<Dependencies>)

Override and configure the optionalDependencies field

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fun peerDependencies(action: Action<Dependencies>)

Override and configure the peerDependencies field

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fun Person(action: Action<Person>): Person

Create and configure an instance of Person

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fun publishConfig(action: Action<PublishConfig>)

Override and configure the publishConfig field

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fun repository(action: Action<Repository>)

Override and configure the repository field

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fun scripts(action: Action<JsonObject<String>>)

Override and configure the scripts field

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operator fun set(key: String, value: Any)

Set a custom value

operator fun set(key: String, value: Provider<Any>)

Set a custom value provider to be resolved when finalise is invoked